This is what the first 2 weeks have been like for us :-) Annaliese is a very relaxed/sleepy baby, almost to a fault, I worry that she isn't eating enough, she often falls asleep on the breast after just 5-10 minuets of nursing. I find myself feeding her a lot because she doesn't seem to do a full feeding all at once. We seemed to have a bit of day/night confusion at first, she would sleep all day long and then be bright eyed and bushy tailed between 11-2 a.m. but we think we may be past that now. She is doing really good at night and giving us at least 1-4 hour stretch between feedings, and if we let her go a little longer sometimes she gives us 5 hours, but since we are still trying to make sure she gains adequate weight and establish a good milk supply we usually end up waking her to eat. I wonder what she is going to be like when she finally 'wakes up' :-)
How is it going??? AWESOME!!!! The second time around is so much easier and then adding the fact that there is one newborn instead of two, even easier. Annaliese has been such a blessing to us, she is sweet and calm and loving, and she sleeps all the time so really I have nothing to complain about, YET!!!! This experience though has shown me how incredibly overwhelmed I truly was with the twins when they were brand new. I just remember being on edge all the time, I would get very stressed every time Chad left me alone w/them, I cried A LOT...and I think a part of me expected to feel very much the same way in the early days this time around as well. But, I can say w/a ton of gratitude it hasn't been anything like that. When I am left alone w/Annaliese I barely notice no one is there to help lighten the load, its not as overwhelming and I don't feel the same anxiety. Of course Chad has been such a huge help in keeping the twins entertained and allowing me to concentrate on Annaliese, which has been wonderful. I have done one full day by myself w/all 3 kids and it went about how I expected it to...it will be a lot, day in and day out because the twins still require a lot of care too and I imagine Annaliese is just days away from becoming more demanding herself but it will be manageable. I think the twins are just self sufficient enough that we can make it work and keep everyone mostly happy during the day. My hair may turn grey in the process but it's a small price to pay, right, and thats what hair dye is for :-)
How are the twins adjusting???? Fabulously, but they have had Daddy home with them almost everyday since Annaliese's arrival. I know they enjoy hanging with him and he has picked up a lot of the slack for me. They love their new baby sister and ask to hold her every chance they get. They are constantly coming up to her and kissing her. We are practicing being 'gentle'. They love to bring me all of her things and are interested in her care. They love to get her clean diapers and throw the dirty ones away. Taryn calls her 'baby Annaliese' as she emphasizes the 'liese' and Evan calls here 'baby Anna'. They are both a great Big Brother and Big Sister to Annaliese and she is a very lucky little lady.
How are Mom and Dad adjusting??? Just fine. Annaliese has been so easy so far, I'm almost scared for whats to come LOL. I have been taking time to enjoy tons of cuddle time w/Annaliese, that is one thing that I really missed out on with the twins and am really relishing this time. Chad and I just feel so blessed, we love our little crew!!! We of course have to get used to broken sleep at night once again but we know that this too shall pass :-). We have been given the best early Christmas gift ever and just relish in the joy of the season upon us and are overjoyed with the fact that we get to celebrate this year with our 3 children...what an amazing Christmas it will be this year!!!!