Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 11: Amazing Transfer...TWINZ :-)

We arrived at Shady Grove at 0955 this morning and waited to be called back for our transfer. It was reassuring when they gave us the "all clear" call that our seven embryos had continued to grow and that we did indeed have our desired two to transfer. And much to the hopes of the both of us and in fitting resemblance of the dream Chad had last night, Dr. Simon Kipersztok, a former Israeli military ejection seat repair technician who was filling in for Dr. Chang today.....and no, he didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and DOES have exceptional medical credentials (as do all the doctors at Shady Grove)...gave us the latest report on our embryos.
Our most dear hopes and prayers were answered when he said that they would be transferring two 8-cell, Grade-1 embryos....for a three day transfer, it just doesn't get any better than that... truly, it really doesn't. And the other five our continuing to grow, with at least one Grade-1 embryo among them which makes the prospects of having an embie(s) for cryo at day-5 a very good possibility.
So at 1047 this morning, two beautiful 8-cell Grade 1 (red-heads)...I mean, embryos, were transferred to their 9-month home (we pray so much!)
Monica came in and greeted us...and went over our discharge instructions. We handed over some Cake Love cupcakes and a hug to her as we said our "so long for now" and headed out the doors of the clinic. Amazed by our results and cautiously optomistic, we keep it in the hands of God and trust His will be done.....we have done everything we can and prepared our field for rain....we're leaving the rest and the results up to God.
Walter accompanied the retrieval on Monday and the transfer today, offering supervision and words of encouragement to the Shady Grove Staff. And in keeping with tradition, we went to McDonalds after we left Shady Grove to get our post-transfer french fries. So it was a cheeseburger Happy Meal with Girl toy for Gena and both and Nugget Happy Meal and Hamburger Happy Meal both with boy toys for Chad (had to get one for each child :-)) What a day filled with so much joy and excitement....and cautious hope. We'll be here for a few more days to relax and enjoy some more of DC before we head back to GA....and when we do, we'll have two Baby's on Board :-)

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