Thursday, August 20, 2009

We Have a Thumb Sucker

So I went to check on Evan as he is napping longer than normal....just at 1.5 hrs right now but this beats his normal 45-1hr; anyway I found him sound asleep sucking his thumb. This is the first time I ever saw him actually do this...not sure if it is truly the first time. He is so precious. I guess George has been kicked to the curb as you can see he is laying behind Evan's head...poor George LOL

UPDATE: Evan napped for a total of 2 hrs and 15 min...way to go E-man :-) if I could just get you and Taryn to nap that long at the same time :-) matter how far we come it seems that we always have so much further to go :-)


gina said...

aww! What a sweet picture!

Unknown said...

That is soooo cute! Sweet slumber is precious in any form, but the thumb just makes it adorable.

grandma8times said...

What a beautiful picture. He is so sweet. All four of mine were thumb suckers and were good babies. You have beautiful twins. Can't wait till Gina posts some pictures of them from her visit.. Hugs, Gina's Mom