Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cinco de TWINZ

My oh My how time can fly! Today marks the twangels' 5-month birthday...yet another monthly milestone in their little journeys. Reflecting back on the last 150 days, it's just amazing with all that has happened and all that they have experienced and how much they have grown. We can remember holding them both in our arms, just hours old...and oh so tiny...we could have fit Nash and Teebo in there as well. Today, the two of them fill up our arms quite completely, leaving only enough room to snuggle them close and hug them tight. So many memories formed already....and countless more to come. And what better way to capture some more moments than with photos! So, off we went to portrait innovations for another round of flashbulbs. Evan was a real trooper, and Taryn cooperated when she felt like it and revolted when she disapproved of the pose or lighting :-) Overall, they did great.

As their 4th month of life comes to a close I feel like we should recap some of their big first as they had an exciting month that kept us very busy including:
1st time on an Air Plane
1st trip to mema's and papa's
1st meetings of Uncle Troy and Aunt Nanci and many other aunts, uncles, cousins and friends
1st time playing in an exersaucer
1st laugh from both of them...Taryn's is more of a squeal but it is beautiful either way :-)
1st time trying to take a bath in the big kid bath tub (that didn't go over so well so we will try again in a month or two LOL)
1st outing w/ just mommy to the grocery store and Michael's (and they were perfect angels)
1st bite of solids which have turned into several bits and now they are old pros. So far they have had oatmeal, avocado, applesauce, and sweet potatoes...unfortunately they don't seem too fond of avocado's so we moved on to sweet potatoes today and they loved them we will have to revisit avocados at a later time hopefully we will get a better response :-). It is fun to see how quickly they change and grow. Our first day of solids did not go so well especially for Taryn she was kind like why are you sticking the sticky stuff (oatmeal) in my mouth and she would spit it right back out...but by day 4 she not only opened her mouth for more she finished her entire bowl and most of it ended up in her belly instead of on her bib :-).
I am beginning my new adventure in making baby food. Of course I haven't really been able to make much yet, pureeing sweet potatoes doesn't really count for much, but I am looking forward to it as they get to add more and more to their diets.
In other big news now that they are 5 months has them on a schedule and what is even better is Evan is napping consistently well now. You have no idea how excited that makes me. I can count on him for at least an hour but often he will nap 1.5-2 hours for me....YIPPEE!!!!
So our day looks something like this:
730-800 wake/feed
930 nap #1
11 wake/feed
12 solids (fruit or veggie)
100 nurse then nap #2
230 wake/feed
330 feed (yes they eat all time LOL)
400 nap #3
5 wake/solids (oatmeal)
630 bath/feed
700 bed
It is a long day some days but when the nap well and will play well independently it makes for a good day. The hard days are the days when they are clingy...when they both get like that at the same time...I will lay them on the floor in front of me and tell them over and over again "there are 2 babies and 1 mommy" and nuzzle them and I can usually get them to laugh or smile....I don't know why they think that is funny LOL :-) maybe because they know I am outnumbered.
Month 4 was wonderful and now we look forward to a wonderful month 5 w/ a whole new set of first for our little twins. I was reflecting earlier today on how little they once were and how big they are now. I cant believe the vast difference in their size and development....I know it is nothing cosmic and nothing millions of babies before them haven't done but it is still amazing when you see it happen right before your eyes. Every twin mom will tell you that it gets easier at the 6 month mark and I have held on to that especially in the early weeks and now I cant believe we are approaching the half way mark to their first year of life and although I look forward to all that is coming I do get a little sad when I realize they will never be that small again...I can only imagine how I am going to feel in a year or five years.

1 comment:

gina said...

ahhh... it just keeps getting better =) Their personality's make it so fun!