Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Treasured Visit from PA

Adding to our memorable moments was the awesome visit by Uncle Spark, Aunt Gina, and Cousin Sam. The three of them came to see us last weekend and we had a blast of a time. It had been over a year since we had last seen Spark and Gina, and was our first chance to see Sam in person since he was born. What a handsome little gem of a boy...and growing up so fast! We thanked him for testing out many of Evan and Taryn's toys to ensure proper function and structural reliability :-) And oh how fun it was to see Evan, Taryn and Sam together....from the exersaucers to the toys and the pool, they seemed to do so well together and acted as if they'd known each other from day 1. All three were cute as can be...and it gave us a little foreshadowing of what is to come in the months ahead. Sam was so grown up with his sippy cup and real-food meals...Evan and Taryn were definitely inspired. Our Friday-Monday time together still seamed to go by too fast, but we were able to mix in great times and a couple of small outings to make the absolute best of the shared minutes. Spark and Gina are amazing friends and it is a blessing to spend time with them....we only wish we lived closer. And well, we are already counting the days until we visit them next summer in PA.
During the visit, cameras were snapping as we bookmarked the great time we got to share together. Among the many, here are a few of the pics:


gina said...

Sam looks HUGE! LOL

We miss you guys already - had an awesome time - cant wait for all of our future trips together... I have been singing the Mickey Mouse song to Sam to prepare him for our trip to Disney! heehee

gina said...

Sam looks HUGE! LOL

We miss you guys already - had an awesome time - cant wait for all of our future trips together... I have been singing the Mickey Mouse song to Sam to prepare him for our trip to Disney! heehee