Sunday, September 6, 2009

We Have a Sitter and a Rolly Polly

....and no I am not calling my babies fat LOL.

E-man has been working on his sitting for a while now and at 5 months and 3 days old on his daddy's birthday he managed to sit unassisted for several minuets. Unfortunately the timing wasn't right and we were unable to capture his new feat on film but lucky for us he repeated his new trick today. He is still too young to get himself in a sitting position on his own and he does still have balance issues but he is getting much better and is able to string more and more minuets of independent sitting together at a time. Evan would like to ask you to excuse the pink blanket but he spit up on his so it was in the wash and Mom and Dad put out sissy's blanket for him to use...he really doesn't like pink but he gets used to it considering the fact that he has a twin sister...there tends to be a lot of pink around the house.
Taryn isn't far behind...I would give it a few more weeks though before I would expect to see her sitting solo for several minuets at a time but while we are the subject of our little Sweet Pea...she has become a rolling maniac. They both have been rolling for a while Evan started at 3 months and Taryn followed a few weeks later rolling belly to back and then right around 4 months Evan was rolling back to belly but he really doesn't like to be on his belly so you wont catch him doing it much. Taryn just yesterday (must be something special about daddy's birthday) just started rolling all over the place back to belly, belly to back, then back to belly again. She is doing it in her crib as well and much to my dismay has chosen to sleep on her belly....scares me to death. We go in and roll her back over but no sooner do we leave the room and she is back on her belly. So what will be, will be, I will just be saying lots of extra prayers for her.

It is so fun to see them grow and change literally right before our eyes. Chad was just beaming yesterday saying how much Taryn was blossoming....and he is right. It is fun to see her go from this little baby who would just sit back and take in the world around her to this little baby who is physically exploring her little world rolling from one place to the next and really being interested in the objects around her.

At our last dr. appointment our dr. was telling us how rough boys are and how they will just bang everything and it is so funny to us because that is exactly what happens. Evan is all boy banging the heck out of everything and Taryn is such a girl and docile with everything...she definitely has a more gentle approach/touch. Just don't make her mad or as her daddy lovingly says..."she will go hot hornet on you" LOL. She is a true red head...such a sweet heart and we love her so much.
and Evan is our sweet little boy who is so fun to watch grow...he loves to be held and to be w/ his mom and dad. Sometimes I still feel like I am in a dream....I cant believe that we have been blessed w/ two beautiful children, that they are actually ours...what a blessed gift they are.

I don't have a picture of all Taryn's rolling around but I couldn't leave her out so here she is sitting in her big girl chair getting ready to eat some lunch. We added plums to their list of foods today and it got rave reviews from both Evan and Taryn. So we are doing good so far only 1 food in the dislike column but I will be trying avocados again....they haven't seen the last of them LOL.

1 comment:

gina said...

too cute! When I 1st read the title I thought you meant you had a babysitter and you were heading out on a date! LOL