Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's Tough Being a Twin

Some days I truly feel sorry for the babies as they are always having to wait their turn. Sometimes it is no big deal but other days it breaks my heart. Today is one of those days. I fed the babies their carrots and was getting them ready for their nap. I took Evan back to the nursery to nurse him before putting him down and had left Taryn on the floor in the living room w/ her paci (they don't go far so for right now they are OK to be left for a few minuets but I know those days are numbered...trying to figure out how I am going to handle this when they go mobile...anyway that is another back to this story). It was really quiet so I thought I should go and check on her and the poor baby was asleep on the floor waiting her turn :-(.....but so cute :-).....


gina said...

Sleeping on her tummy =) Sam slept sooo much better/longer once he was a tummy sleeper - but you already have great little sleepers =)

Diane said...

I cannot believe how big they are getting. Your little ones are so adorable! Thanks for always posting these.