Monday, October 19, 2009

TWINZ Kickin' it....6.5-style

What do you do when your 6.5 months old? The answer is probably "whatever mom and dad want you to do"...though I am sure that with all the "talking" that the twangels have been doing they have intentions of their own; but it being too early to see the fruits of sign language and even farther from the first real words, the two of them settled in for what we had planned. So the day began with a trip out to the Mossy Creek Barnyard festival (love you Aunt Megan!) It was a chilly day today (high 30's), so we bundled them up tight and headed out:

They had a grand ol' time, cooing to each other and all the people that passed by. And if we had even a dime for all the "Oh look, it's twins" / "Awww, how cute" or looks and points that the twangels get, we'd could have bought a new car after leaving there! It's so endearing, but you also learn that you "have to keep moving." ...if you stop for everyone that stops for you, you'd never get anywhere. So we exchange smiles as we continue strolling the lines of arts of crafts. It was a fun couple of hours and we left with a few goodies and gifts...'cause it was nearing nap time and that was a must for what we had planned for the afternoon....
A trip back to Portrait Innovations for another round of photos (had to catch those "official" 6-month-old photos.) It was rainy and cold, and when we arrived we got stuck in their backlog...which meant a 45-minute wait (even with an appt.) With each passing minute, we prayed the SweetPea and E-Man would remain in their extremely good moods (they were both laughing and smiling and "talking" up a storm when we got there.) Just as the mood pendulum started to swing in the "unfavorable" direction, they called our name and off we went. Overall, the twinz were real troopers and did great. The staff was patient through momentary spurts of fussiness and kept snapping away...multiple shots are great, but you really only need that "one" to make it worth it...extras are icing on the "6.5-month-old-cake." After finishing up the photo shoot and picking out the ones we wanted, we topped off the long day with a dinner at Chili's. It was a great day and gave us some more "photographic memories" to add to the scrapbook. Ah, yes, and to not share them here would be a without further adieu:


gina said...

oh my! Adorable all around!!! Love Taryn's tutu and Evan's hat! They really look alike in the photo of them together!
Evan reminds me of sammy - big smiles! love it!

miss you guys!

Diane said...

I cannot believe how big they are getting. They are so adorable!!! The pictures turned out amazing.