Monday, December 14, 2009

He's Making a List and Checking it Twice

Yes...that is right we took the babies to see Santa. It was an hour wait and we almost didn't stay but we were there and I really wanted to capture their first Christmas w/the traditional Santa picture so we waited. The babies did they always do when they are being held. However, they are getting to that stage where they are starting to push away because they want down to play thankfully we are still stronger than them :-). Taryn had no issues w/ Santa, I think Evan wanted to pull his beard off but they were both 'good' long enough to snap a quick photo and then Evan started crying. We snatched him up real quick got our free photo and headed home. No one has to know that they only sat on his lap for less than 30 sec right? Because that isn't the point, the point is to snap a super cute photo right??? In that case mission success :-)

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