Sunday, January 22, 2012

Catching Up

No matter my intentions I can't seem to keep up w/this thing, I have thought about just letting it go but then I think it's nice to have when I do have time to update it, to look back and have these memory joggers because you know I haven't started one of the kids scrap books yet, sigh!!!!!

A quick synopsis on our happenings and then I will get to the good stuff, (you know pictures) :-).

Kids are all doing well, Evan and Taryn have adjusted to their new sister well. Annaliese is an amazing baby and such a sweet addition to our family. She is sleeping great, doing about 7-10 hours at night and then back down for 4-6 more so we are getting there :-). Still working on establishing her day time sleep, it is still all over the place but that is to be expected at this age. She is happy and content and growing like a weed :-).

Big changes are about to happen for the twins. I really wanted to get them into preschool in Septemeber but I missed registration so I just figured we would have to wait until next fall. I called a particular preschool that I was interested in for the twins last week to ask about resgistraion for this coming fall (Sep 12) and was told that they had two spot available for the twins in their 2 y/o program for this year and the twins could start right away. I was so excited so Chad and I took the twins last Friday to check it out and we just LOVED it and so did the kids. If you asked Evan he would tell you the best part is they have a train table in his class room :-). Not expecting them to start preschool this year we had planned a spur of the moment trip to San Antonio to get out of this tiny condo and let the kids have some fun playing on mema and papas 5 acres in warm San Antonio, so they will start when we get back in March. Chad and I were a little misty-eyed at the thought of them starting 'school' but we are so happy for them and really think they will enjoy it and gain a lot from their experiences and social interactions. they will be going 2 days a week (wed and fri) for 2.5 hours and since it is down where our new home will be (about 1 hour drive from here) Annaliese and I will have to hang out in Starbucks to kill the time but it is worth it for the twins to get this opportunity. Once we move into the new house it will only be a 15 min drive, which is much more manageable for long-term.

Speaking of the 'new house' they have begun construction and gave us an approximate closing date of April 20th, so we have started our search for renters for the condo and are so looking forward to moving into a house and being settled once and for all (well at least for the next 7 years or so :-) )

The 'New House'

Annaliese 2 Months...
already???? Can you believe it

Annaliese 1 Month

Christmas 2011

1 comment:

gina said...

Oh good - while you are at Starbucks you can update the blog! hahahaha =)