Friday, October 3, 2008


"Make a joyful noise unto the LORD..." is what Psalm 98 says...and that is exactly what we heard our little babies doing today. Gena purchased a doppler on the internet, which gives us an external ear into her belly to hear those little twangles (twin angels) hearts beating away. While we were able to see their little hearts just beating away during our first ultrasound, they usually aren't audible/detectable with a doppler until week 10-12. So Gena did a "trial" listen today, and successfully found those little two. What a surreal and awesome and amazing feeling it was to hear the sound of their HEARTBEATS!! Easily distinguishable from ours, they rock along at a pace of 150-170 beats per minute. It's mindboggling when you think about the fact that while they are only the size of a prune and not even two inches in length, their heartbeat is so easy to distinguish. And it's been quite an addicting evening activity for us to listen to them...the doppler brings both peace of mind in being able to know that their little tickers are still beating away for Jesus and a chance to stay extra connected to our little angels :-) Because there is such a long time between the early ultrasounds and the 20-weeker, the doppler is the interim lifesaver for peace of mind. I don't think we've ever treasured the sound of a heartbeat more than we have since we first heard our babies' literally is music to our ears. And since the presence of a heartbeat is a big sign of good progression, we are filled with even more hope that this cycle is going to fill our arms in the way we have for so many years dreamed and hoped and prayed He would:-)

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