Monday, October 20, 2008

Sweet Friends

We finally broke the news to our local friends and some at our Squadrons. I figured I should share w/ the girls in my Stamper Six group as they were coming over on Thursday for our monthly meeting and my stomach is getting big enough that it is hard to camouflage. My Stamper Six group is just a group of 6 girls and we get together once a month and I teach them new techniques each month so that they can go home and make their own pretty cards and other projects (really it is just an excuse for girl time :-) ). So anyway they were coming over so I thought now is probably a good time to tell them. One of the girls works in my Squadron, so I sent her an email and Oh MY Goodness was she excited for us...from what I hear she went and told everyone and anyone who would listen. People told her she was so excited that they would have assumed it was her daughter who was pregnant. Of course she knows our story and our struggles along the way and not very many people at work do, so that explains her excitement....anyway...I am glad I am not working there anymore...I would be so embarrassed...I am not one to be out there w/ everything (especially w/ my co-workers), I like to keep things to myself a little more but her excitement for us is very sweet but that is not really the sweetest thing...She brought a very yummy ice cream cake to our Stamper Six meeting w/ one of my favorite ice creams. YUMMY!!!!! It was such a sweet treat from a sweet friend. It was vanilla cake w/ chocolate peanut butter buckeye ice cream. A pregnant girls dream come true :-). Speaking of chocolate I was happy to read in my Fit Pregnancy magazine that women who ate chocolate at least 5 x a week were less likely to develop preeclampsia. Unfortunately I am sure a snickers bar doesn't count...they probably mean a small piece of dark chocolate but chocolate is chocolate and I will take what I can get (now I have an excuse to eat it) :-).

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