Friday, August 26, 2011

Potty Training Update #4

I think at this point it is safe to say that we have 2 potty trained little kiddos and I am so excited and so proud of my twins. Evan has done unbelievably well, he hasn't had an accident in a while and he even wakes up from every nap and in the morning after 12 hours of sleep dry, and very ready to use the potty. We wake up to him in his crib doing the pee pee dance because he has to go so badly. I guess it is a good thing that transitioning to toddler beds is next on our list. We plan to do that once we get settled in MD which should be by mid September. One of the things I knew I needed to work on with Taryn was going potty in public but unless we are out there really isn't much opportunity to practice this. However, today we had the perfect opportunity, we were out most of the day as our house is being painted and Taryn went potty 3 times away from home on the big potty. When we went to dinner we had actually forgotten to put her pull up on so she went to dinner in her big girl pants and did fabulous and even used the potty in the middle of dinner.

It has been great to see the twins be so successful. I wasn't sure if they were ready or how any of this would go when we got started I just was willing to give it a try and see happened. It has been much easier than I anticipated for the most part they were both trained w/in 1 week of starting their training. I couldn't imagine it being any easier. We anticipate that we may have to deal w/a bit of regression w/the move coming up and/or Annaliese's arrival and we are OK working through any issues that may arise along the way...but for now they are trained and doing awesome...we are so proud and so grateful that we will not have 3 in diapers...I was willing to do that, just not looking forward to it. This way seems so much better :-)

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