Wednesday, April 25, 2012

5 Months Old

Pictures to follow, but had to share an update on our little beauty...Annaliese is 5 months old as of last Saturday (21 April).  Seriously though, where has the time gone?  Cant believe 5 months have gone by since we welcomed our sweet little angel into this world.  She has been such a gift.  Annaliese has such a sweet disposition, ready to hand out smiles and giggles every chance she gets.  She is a great eater and sleeps well, even w/the inconsistent schedule she has been on, she just rolls w/the punches.  I am so grateful for her ability to adapt as life has been crazy and unpredictable and little all over the place the past few months.  Im definitely committed to getting her on a good schedule once we get settled in the house and I don't have to stay out all morning 2x a week for the twins while they are in preschool and Chad and I aren't running around all weekend getting things for the house.  Im looking forward to thing settling down a bit and I'm sure Annaliese will be forever grateful for that moment too.  We started spoon feeding baby oatmeal last week and added apples this week.  She is doing great w/spoon feeding and once she figured out it was food she was all for it.  She has slept through the night a few times for us but usually is up one time to feed during the night...most nights she wakes around 11-11:30 which  Chad and I haven't gone to bed yet so it works out perfect, I will feed her and then she won't wake again until 7:30.  See I told you she is a good girl :-).  I look so forward to watching her grow and see her little personality emerge more and more.

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