Tuesday, October 28, 2008

16 Week Baby Bump

Ok...well actually it maybe a little bigger then a bump but here it is anyway. For those who think I look big for 16w please remember I have 2 babies in there :-). It has been fun to watch and see my stomach grow. I catch Chad from time to time just staring at my stomach...if he didn't have such a sweet look on his face when he was doing it I may be getting a bit self conscious but from the look he has I know it makes him happy :-). I had my first "your expecting" comment from a stranger last week. Which actually surprised me as I was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt as Chad and I had just finished our evening walk through the neighborhood. It was nice though to know that I actually look pregnant to someone instead of just fat. I have a feeling to most people I just look a little thick in the middle unless I am wearing a fitted shirt...but I know my day is coming that I look huge to everyone so I am not rushing it :-).


Anonymous said...

You look absolutely, positivity adorable!!!!!! and we love you!

Mom, Dad, & Kallie

Amy H said...

What a sweet baby bump! I think you look great for twins! nice to "see" you!

Anonymous said...

I think your baby bump looks precious!