Monday, May 18, 2009

6 Weeks Strong...and Growing

Evan and Taryn are doing great...and changing a little more each and every day. Taryn's socks aren't so big anymore and Evan has summoned the contents of his 0-3 month clothes drawer...putting all his outfits labeled "NB" on notice. Night feedings continue to be an adventure in clock and sleep management. Every good book tells you to sleep when they sleep...which is a complicated task with twins, being that they are not always on the same schedule. And even when they are, it's a notional skill for many parents to be able to fall asleep at a moment's notice. But God is awesome and he strengthens us all the time...and adds extra when He knows we need it most :-) They have been napping and sleeping in their cribs, which is a step up from the pack-n-play....and it's fun to watch them on the baby monitor! Smiles are still the norm and cooing is starting to be the new and "in" thing to do. They've also been making good use of their playard...and it's jungle theme holds their attention quite well. Nash and Teebo continue to investigate things here and there, particularly when Evan and Taryn are lower to the floor. They have adjusted well and seem interested...oh, we give it a few months and things will get really interesting when SweetPea and E-man are mobile. Indeed Nash and Teebo's days of lounging undisturbed in the middle of the room are numbered.

Next big event is Auntie Kallie arriving with Meemaw on the 30th. Then a doctors appointment on 5 Jun...for a weight update and first shots :-( (it probably will be more traumatic for us than it is for them.)

Overall, we're doing great....but if you happen to find any sleep-in-a-bottle at your local grocery or specialty foods store, send a case over :-)

Love you all and we send our best to you and your family.

In Him

The 4 Tutts in GA

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