Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mommy Wow I'm a Big Kid Now!

Well not really but they like to pretend. They wanted to show everyone how grown up they are sitting in their Bumbo's :-). Today marks 8 weeks since Evan and Taryn joined our family. I would like to say time has flown by and I suppose in a way it has but the past 8 weeks have been all about surviving. Anyone who has had a new born knows the challenges in the beginning...I probably should say we have loved every moment of it but I would be lying. Of course we cherish every moment that we have been able to spend with our two bundles but I will admit there have been times when they have gotten the best of me and I will cry right along w/ them...but their smiles are worth every second of it. The hardest moments are those when they are both crying at the same time and I am alone w/ is like a juggling act trying to figure out who to tend to first...who to feed first...who to change first...well you get the picture :-). They really have been doing great and I know I really don't have anything to complain about they are easy to soothe, neither one of them has colic so by the respect they are very easy babies. Evan gave us 8 hours of sleep the other night...I wish I could say the same for Taryn she seems to be stuck at the 6 hour mark which is still great but 8 is better. The good news is that they will go back down as soon as we feed them for another 3-4 hours so overall they are sleeping between 11-12 hours at night. Now we just have to work on their naps...they are in that stage where the just want to take 20 min cat naps and then spend the rest of the day cranky because they are so tired. I spend most of my days trying to soothe them to sleep and I come up short more often then not but that doesn't stop me from trying. I guess the idea of 2 hours to myself is worth all the effort :-). Now for what you have all been waiting for their sweet faces :-)

They started the day today w/ some time in their play gym

Then it was off to relax in their Bumbo's and time for a short photo shoot

MMMMM...I wonder what's for breakfast :-)...Mommy's milk is always good.


Amy H said...

taryn looks like she is plotting to take over the world in the last picture!
They are so sweet! Glad to hear they are sleeping so well!
Love and hugs...Amy

gina said...

I can totally relate to your post. Your thinking "wow, I cant believe its been 8 weeks already!" and your also thinking "wow. I cant beileve its ONLY been 8 weeks". I truly think the first 8 weeks are the hardest! It does get easier =) Wow - they look so big (yet so small) in those bumbos! ♥

Meg said...

Oh, they just keep getting cuter and cuter and cuter. You can see that amazing inquisitive sparkle in their eyes already! Hang in there with the sleep, it will get better and better from this point on... and if it makes you feel any better - they're sleeping better than Libby! Hugs to all of you!