Saturday, May 9, 2009

Worth the WEIGHT

'Twas on the twangels’ 5-week birthday that we headed over to Dr. Stewart's office for the one month checkup. With their cheeks starting to puff out a bit and the good ‘ol fashioned "hold them in your arms and see how heavy they are" test saying Evan and Taryn were putting on healthy ounces, we figured that the 1 oz-a-day plan would have Evan just over seven and Taryn somewhere in the mid to high sixes. With the scale awaiting their presence, they were measured for height and both checked in at 19"...1.5" of growth in 27 days. Well, Taryn hit the scales first...and registered a petitely-healthy 6lbs 8oz. Not to be outdone by his rapidly gaining sister, and even after a big messy diaper prior to leaving the house for the doctors office AND a

sizeable spit up, Evan jumped on the scale and tipped the arrow at 6lbs 15.1 oz. His fussiness relayed his dissatisfaction with having failed to eclipse the 7lb mark…but we reminded him that he was only a feeding or two away. Their next appointment is in Jun and will be the first shot appointment….that anticipation is already building!

Overall, Evan and Taryn are doing awesome...more alert and attentive each passing day. Smiling is a normal occurrence and they enjoy spending time laying next to each other. The other day, it was a battle of who could keep their pacifier in longer...Taryn, with her pink satellite, took on Evan and his blue Dude-Boob in a see-saw affair...ultimately, Taryn reigned victorious in the end.

Meemaw Tuttle departed yesterday...sad to bid her farewell. It's just the four of us right now, until the 30th of May...when meemaw will return with Auntie Kallie...what a trip that will be...and Evan and Taryn sure are looking forward to meeting their Auntie Kallie for the first time.

We continue to be blessed be everyone's thoughts, prayers and love. Evan and Taryn truly are miracles and we praise God for the gift that they our lives and to the lives of our friends and family.

Tomorrow is mother's day...and what a special meaning it will have this year! Evan and Taryn love their mommie dearly and will celebrate her for so many years to come. The amazement of parenting, and especially parenting twins, is so surreal. For so many years we hoped and prayed...and from hope came a blessed miracle.

Happy Mother's Day to all those who read and are truly are a blessed group and to you goes much honor, praise and thanks!

Until the next time...

Love in Him

Chad, Gena, Evan and Taryn


Casey said...

Happy Mother's Day Gena! The twins are beautiful.

meg said...

Happy first mother's day Gena! I can only imagine how wonderful this day must be for you... and if you happen to be so pooped that you missed it, no worries, you will forever be the mama, nothing short of the center of the universe, to those sweet babies of yours forever and all the years to come! Here's the hugest congrats I can muster coming your way, you've worked so hard for this and I'm so glad you're getting to enjoy all the glories of motherhood. Heaps and heaps of love to you all, Meg & the crew

gina said...

I was wondering how the pups and the twins were getting along =) Cute pics!!