Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Two Hands

Taryn loves to stretch and often will lift her arms as high as she can and stretch her legs out as far as she can...it is rather cute if I don't say so myself.
Chad deemed this new song "Two Hands" by Jars of Clay Taryn's song and it is too sweet. We listen to it a lot and dance around w/ her and Evan. This morning was my first morning completely alone all day...I have done a couple hours here and there alone but not a full day. So of course today would be a typical day where both twins want you at the same time. This morning while I was feeding Evan, Taryn was not a happy camper and she was crying pretty hard even though I had her in the bed w/ us laying right next to me. So I remembered reading that even if you cant sing well your babies don't care and you singing to them can help calm them so I started "trying" (and I say that loosely because anyone who knows me, knows I cant carry a tune to save my life) to sing "Two Hands" to Taryn...it got her attention (maybe it was my awful attempt) anyway, so I thought I can do better then this...I pulled out my iPhone and downloaded the song from iTunes and played the song for her and she immediately calmed down and eventually fell asleep...Thank You Jars of Clay :-). Who said you need lullabies :-). So in honor of Taryn below is the video for you all the enjoy and a sweet picture of Taryn (and Evan too) of lifting them high for Jesus.

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