Thursday, June 25, 2009

12 Weeks Today

Can you believe it has already been 12 weeks....I can hardly believe it myself. When I stop to think about it time really is just flying by. Part of me wants to slow things down and other parts don't necessarily want to speed things up but I am so anxious for them to be more interactive. Their smiles already melt my heart I cant wait until there are just more and more of them and the first time they laugh will just be the most perfect melody. For their 12 week birthday Evan and Taryn gave me and Daddy a perfect gift....they both slept through the night on the same night. I think this was Evans first time sleeping completely through the night and Taryn did it 2 nights in a row for the first time. Both were down by 8:00 and woke at about 6:15...I fed them and they went back down until 8:30....Thank you babies mommy really needed that. Now as previously mentioned naps continue to be a different story. They are better now then they used to be but still not great and certainly not as easy as bedtime. Taryn who I had the most trouble w/ in the beginning is turning into a great napper. She has taken at least 1-2 hour nap for several days in a row and many days we get 2-2 hour naps out of her and she goes down for naps fairly easy these days. Evan on the other hand takes forever to get him down for his naps even though he is clearly tired...will fall asleep in my arms(or almost asleep, my goal is to put them down drowsy but awake) but 5-10 min after I put him down he is screaming his head off...I go in to soothe him and he is wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. So we have to start the soothing routine all over again UGGHHH....just go to sleep. This after noon I got a 2.5 hr nap out of him but it went something like this (from Evans perspective)...
- Soothe to drowsy State
- Sleep 15 min in crib
- Cry for Mommy
- Soothed until I stop crying
- Put in swing and fall asleep
- Mom notices I am asleep but doesn't dare touch me so she turns off the swing
- Sleep 1 hour in swing
- Start comes rescue me (works every time)
- Mom takes me to her bed where she is laying w/ Taryn ahhh this feels nice maybe I am still tired
- Sleep another hour...Ok I know it has been at least 2 hours since I ate last it must be time to eat again.
- Start crying again so mom will feed me
LOL :-)
- YAY Daddy's Home (that's me talking LOL)
The funny thing is Evan goes down so easy at bed time. We give him his bath, feed him his bottle and put him down...most of the time wide awake and he just goes to sleep. Taryn on the other hand (even if she is almost asleep when we lay her down) will cry for her paci several times and every night we have to go in there and give her the remainder of her bottle before she will even think of falling asleep. Even tonight...she polished off her 7 oz and still kept kicking out her paci until we brought a bottle in there...Chad tried to feed her but all she wanted to do was chew on it and smile at Daddy. It is too funny because right after she it gets her "dessert" as we have loving named it she goes right to sleep but for some reason we have to go through this charade w/ her every night. But then she will sleep the rest of the night.
Now about those smiles that just melt your can see for yourself :-)


gina said...

12 weeks! I cant believe it! Time surely does fly by! They get cuter everyday and Taryn's smile in the pic is adorbale!!!!

Meg said...

Aaaahhhh, how sweet! I bet they can get anything they want with those little grins of theirs!