Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Weighing In" on Things

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since the last post...and in parenthood-time, that's an eternity with so much changing every day! E-Man and SweetPea are doing awesome and continue to grow up more and more each day in more and more ways. Back on 5 Jun, the Twangels had their 2-month checkup appt with Dr. Stewart...they were eager to weigh in to see how the budding sibling rivalry of weight gain was going...but not at all eager for their first taste of vaccinations. :-) Evan stepped on the scale first, and the number-jumble settled out at a little-manly 9.2 lbs. There was a wry smile from his face, though it was cupled with a bit of frustration having fallen short of the 10lb "goal" he had made for himself. Confident she could make a run at first place, SweetPea releve'd and grand jete'd here way to the weight station. A snicker was heard coming from the little-dude's corner as Taryn watched the scale steady out at 8.9 lbs. She had come up short, but the progress was steady and true. "It's a marathon not a sprint, brother"...Taryn proclaimed. Evan replied: "Scoreboard....scoreboard....scoreboard!"
Both of their little spirits were quickly humbled as shot time rolled around...the needle sticks brought the cries and tears, but Gena and Auntie Kallie were there to provide calm and comfort.
Oh the two of them are doing wonderful. Anything labeled "NB" now resides in a pile in the corner of the room...and the 0-3s have take reign over the wardrobe...as have "size 1" diapers. The continue to do well with their bedtime routine of walk-bath-bottle-bed...typically making it from 8pm to 5-6am...and then up for an hour then napping for an hour or a bit more in cyclical fashion througout the day. They love their bumbo seats, and look like such little "grown ups" sitting in them. Evan's favorite game so far has been "Swaddle me if you can mommie and daddy...as he likes to use his new-found jailbreak skills to escape even the best of swaddle attempts...he's not batting 100%, but he does make a valient effort at it!! :-) Seems that he always has to have a hand or two waving around as if to swat imaginary flies! Bath time is still one of the favorite parts of their day. They both smile up a storm and the cooing continues to be more "literate"...well, as literate as baby-jumble can be at this stage :-)

Auntie Kallie made her first visit to see her niece and nephew...and they definitely loved meeting her. I think Taryn can't wait to go shopping with her and to bake some goodies with her...E-Man can't wait to eat those goodies!

On the 29th of May, some extremely awesome friends of mom hosted a shower in our honor back in Helotes. Some 20 ladies gathered to celebrate life and honor Evan and Taryn...with a food lineup that was simply over-the-top! Their outpouring of love and thoughts and gifts was simply amazing. And we got to enjoy many of the details of it firsthand here, as Mom and Kallie through a mini-shower with many of the same goodies...what a great time that was!!!

I just saw a red light illuminate on my computer screen and now the speakers are blaring the message "WARNING.....WARNING....EXCESSIVE WORDING ALERT....WARNING...YOU ARE ADVISED TO GO TO PICTURE MODE IMMEDIATELY!" So here goes....(Love you all!)

1 comment:

gina said...

Finally! Geesh! I was going thru baby withdrawls! LOL Love Evan's smile in that pic!