Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And the Winner is....

Ms. Taryn Grace Tuttle aka Sweet Pea....and what exactly did she win? Well she was our first to ;officially sleep through the night. YIPPEE. She went to bed at 7:30 and woke up this morning at 7:30. She probably wasn't asleep until a little after 8pm but that is still awesome. She has her little bed time tricks that she does just about every night. We feed her she insist that she is done and then 20 min later she decides she wants the rest of her bottle so we play that game just about every night and last night was not exception but if she is going to sleep that well we can continue the game :-). Evan did awesome too....he is so good at bedtime and more often then not will go down right away for us...we may at the most have to do one paci check w/ him but most nights he will lay right down and go to sleep. Last night he slept until 5:30 ate and then went back down until 8:00. So really I cant complain about that either. My wish/goal is to have both of them go straight through until 7-7:30. We are almost there and at just under 11 weeks I cant complain they are doing awesome.


gina said...

Maybe there was something else going on last night (some magical prowess - haha) because you know my horrible sleeper Sam... well last night he slept from 7pm until 4am then back down until I woke him at 6:20! It was awesome!!

You have the BEST little sleepers!!!!! Way to go Taryn!

meg said...

I am sooooooooo jealous!!!! I would like to arrange a conference call between your wee ones and mine to see if that can't do some mentoring, post haste please! Yeah for you! God's grace seems to appear in some of the most simple little gifts that make all the difference in the world! Hugs to all!