Thursday, June 18, 2009

Saluting My Twins

My Dear Evan and Taryn:

Dad here...I love you two beyond what words can say. And second to the day that I married your mommie, a day approaches this upcoming weekend that gives me the most pride, joy, happiness, and amazement humanly possible...Father's Day...and the miracle of a blessing and gift to be your Dad. I simply marvel in the way that God has blessed me with the gift of the two of you...every minute I thank Him for bringing you into our lives; every minute I gaze at you two as see how marvelous God is, for He has fashioned you is such beauty and love. My Evan and Taryn, there is nothing that can equal how much you mean to me. I have, by the grace of God, spent almost 34 years experiencing so much of what life here on Earth has to offer...and yet I stand on the doorstep of a milestone that simply strikes every chord in my heart and every emotion in my mind. Celebrating Father's Day as a real Dad is but a blessing like no other...and the two of you are simply amazing children. You celebrated 11 weeks of life young and so beautiful...what a little joyous tandem you are. I pray that God watches over you each and every minute of your lives...and that He enables and empowers me to be the Dad that He needs me to be for you as you grow up. I hold in unequaled regard the calling of being a Father...and will give the two of you everything I have in every minute that God blesses me with. My SweetPea...with your sparkling red hair and beautiful-blues (eyes) are a precious little girl that is beyond what I could have imagined. And are all boy and just a ball of energy so special in each and every way. As the little team you are, I promise to "coach" you along the way into devoted-Christ-followers who serve and honor God as you grow up and experience this life for which He has beautiful purpose for the both of you. You are loved by so many...the most awesome of whom is God...and the most proud of which has to be me:-) Taryn, just know that I have been working on my cheer skills and footwork...and Evan, I have been perfecting my watergun tactics. Videos will follow below to give you a little taste of what I mean. :-) Fatherhood is an amazing new part of my life. I thank God for making that a reality for me through the two of you. You both mean the world to be...truly miracles in your own right...and blessings for which I am eternally grateful. I love you...and I celebrate the two of you.


Your Dad

My precious son and daughter:

(Here's a couple of videos...oh, I can't wait for the times ahead :-) )

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