Monday, May 18, 2009

The Few...The Proud....Grandparents of TWINS!

Evan and Taryn are definitely blessed by such wonderful grandparents. The love and care and attention they receive from their "elders" such an amazing gift in their lives. They truly will have awesome times and memories with their grandparents...which began which each of them visited in Apr and May...and then again during the upcoming trips to Helotes in Aug and Boise in Dec. They are among elitely unique and blessed grandparents being that they have twins...only 1 in 80 (about 1.5%) of grandparents are so for twins....and Evan and Taryn couldn't have picked better ones! (God had a great plan in place!!!!) We've captured some shots from their recent visits...oh the love! Here's to the grandparents...and blessing to our lives and truly a blessing to Evan and Taryn's.


Anonymous said...

Oh what beautiful babies...and such young looking grandparents!!! Love, hugs and chocolate to you all.

Amy H said...

Awe They all looked like they were soaking it all up! Oh how i wish I could hold those babies! They are just beautiful!
Lots of hugs and love.