Saturday, June 27, 2009

We Survived....

....Our first dinner out w/ the babes. I know not that big of a deal but for me it is. Just like anything w/ them the first time we can prove to ourselves that life can and does carry-on beyond the 4 walls of our home I feel victorious. So last weekend was Fathers Day as we all know and Chad said that if he could pick anywhere to eat he would go to Bone Fish but I had drill last weekend and we could not make it out to dinner so I suggested to him that we do it this weekend...."Lets just take the kids and see what happens"....and I must say they were awesome. They required a little holding and a little soothing but they both eventually fell asleep and we were able to enjoy a wonderful dinner and a very yummy gooey chocolate brownie for dessert. Slowly but surely I am feeling less and less house bound. Our next big obstacle we are tackling is traveling w/ a trip to San Antonio on the horizon. We will be sure to keep you posted on how well that goes. I am a little nervous because I if I am being honest I will tell you that I was the person who was like "oh great" every time someone got on the plane w/ small children and I was even more thrilled when they were seated near me. So I am probably going to have the child that cries the entire flight just to pay me back for my bad attitude LOL :-)


Meg said...

Just apologize early and remember there are probably more people on the plane that have "been there, done that" than you realize and they all understand... and either way, you'll get there and never have to see them again! :)

Congrats on your big outing, you pulled off a major feat doing a "grown up" restaurant. You should be proud of yourself and I totally know what you mean by relishing those little victories.

Go mama! Go papa! You're naturals!

Diane said...

Thanks for sending me the link again! I love the pictures of the kiddos. They are adorable and as always growing so fast.